Guidebook for East District

Guidebook for East District

Food Scene

成功大學學生的美食天堂,店家多到數不清,想吃平價料理來這就對了! Various kind of cuisine with fair price.
Lane 46, Yule Street
Lane 46, Yule Street
成功大學學生的美食天堂,店家多到數不清,想吃平價料理來這就對了! Various kind of cuisine with fair price.
台南又增一家想吃就吃得到,跟7-11一樣24小時營業的牛肉湯店了!話說 台南人的傳統早餐為牛肉湯,就用牛肉湯來開啟你今天的旅程吧~ It's a 24HRS beef soup restaurant. Tainan's resident start their morning with a beef soup! Let's start your day with beef soup!
37 Einheimische empfehlen
574號 Yunong Rd
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台南又增一家想吃就吃得到,跟7-11一樣24小時營業的牛肉湯店了!話說 台南人的傳統早餐為牛肉湯,就用牛肉湯來開啟你今天的旅程吧~ It's a 24HRS beef soup restaurant. Tainan's resident start their morning with a beef soup! Let's start your day with beef soup!

Drinks & Nightlife

舊稱"北勢街" ,這條老街擁有300年的歷史,可說是台南保存最完整的一條老街了,也是五條港文化園區最重要的據點,五條港在清初是台灣對外的主要門戶,其所在的位置在港區的正中央,是當時最熱鬧的街道。現今在海安路通車與藝術造街的影響下,原本老舊的街道轉變成為前衛的藝術空間,有許多餐廳 、酒吧及藝文人士進駐,每到夜晚黃昏古樸的街燈襯托下,愈夜愈美麗! This 300 years street is famous for being the most well-preserved old street in Tainan, It is such a wonderful little street with so much to discover and appreciate.Retro night bars and art decorations would make you feel like going to the past old days.
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Shennong Street
58-1號 Shennong St
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舊稱"北勢街" ,這條老街擁有300年的歷史,可說是台南保存最完整的一條老街了,也是五條港文化園區最重要的據點,五條港在清初是台灣對外的主要門戶,其所在的位置在港區的正中央,是當時最熱鬧的街道。現今在海安路通車與藝術造街的影響下,原本老舊的街道轉變成為前衛的藝術空間,有許多餐廳 、酒吧及藝文人士進駐,每到夜晚黃昏古樸的街燈襯托下,愈夜愈美麗! This 300 years street is famous for being the most well-preserved old street in Tainan, It is such a wonderful little street with so much to discover and appreciate.Retro night bars and art decorations would make you feel like going to the past old days.
成立至今已有10年,是台南市東區具指標性的夜市,知名度僅次於花園夜市。營業時間為每週一、二、五,由於目前尚未規劃目前尚未規劃專用的汽車停車場,僅有機車停車場,建議騎乘機車前往是最便利的方式 Tainan Dadong Night Market has been around for more than 10 years. Located in the East District, it is only second the renowned Tainan Flower Night Market. The night market open only on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. There is currently no parking for cars available, only for motorcycles. Like the traditional night market, Dadong night Market offers food, shops, and games. For food, there are a great variety of selection from traditional street food and indigenous cuisine. The games include water balloon shooting, ring toss, and many other carnival games. What’s more, there is out door auctioning in the night market, a rare and unique activity limited in southern Taiwan.
67 Einheimische empfehlen
Ta-Tung Night Market
276號 Section 1, Linsen Rd
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成立至今已有10年,是台南市東區具指標性的夜市,知名度僅次於花園夜市。營業時間為每週一、二、五,由於目前尚未規劃目前尚未規劃專用的汽車停車場,僅有機車停車場,建議騎乘機車前往是最便利的方式 Tainan Dadong Night Market has been around for more than 10 years. Located in the East District, it is only second the renowned Tainan Flower Night Market. The night market open only on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. There is currently no parking for cars available, only for motorcycles. Like the traditional night market, Dadong night Market offers food, shops, and games. For food, there are a great variety of selection from traditional street food and indigenous cuisine. The games include water balloon shooting, ring toss, and many other carnival games. What’s more, there is out door auctioning in the night market, a rare and unique activity limited in southern Taiwan.
53 Einheimische empfehlen
No. 80, Section 3, Linsen Road
80 Section 3, Linsen Road
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原為荷蘭人所建。早期的漢人稱荷蘭人為紅毛,所以也把赤崁樓叫做紅毛樓,或稱番仔樓;目前赤崁樓列為國家一級古蹟,也是台南代表性的名勝,赤崁樓的文物與建築歷經荷蘭、明鄭及滿清時代。 Also known as Fort Provintia, is located at the intersection of Chihkan St. and Minzu Rd., Tainan. It was constructed by the Dutch in 1653 and was originally used as the administration center during the Dutch’s occupation. Its original name was Provintia which means “eternity” in Dutch. Since the Dutch were used to be called Hongmao by Hans, Chihkan Tower is also called Hongmao Castle or Fanzai Tower.
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Chihkan Tower
212 Section 2, Minzu Rd
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原為荷蘭人所建。早期的漢人稱荷蘭人為紅毛,所以也把赤崁樓叫做紅毛樓,或稱番仔樓;目前赤崁樓列為國家一級古蹟,也是台南代表性的名勝,赤崁樓的文物與建築歷經荷蘭、明鄭及滿清時代。 Also known as Fort Provintia, is located at the intersection of Chihkan St. and Minzu Rd., Tainan. It was constructed by the Dutch in 1653 and was originally used as the administration center during the Dutch’s occupation. Its original name was Provintia which means “eternity” in Dutch. Since the Dutch were used to be called Hongmao by Hans, Chihkan Tower is also called Hongmao Castle or Fanzai Tower.
1932年由日本商人林方一所建立,在當時是南台灣規模最大的百貨公司。歷經長時間閒置,在1998年被列入市定古蹟,於2010年開始整修至2013年完成,由台南市文化局委外經營,林百貨終於在2014年以「文創百貨」的型態重新出發,再次成為台南的著名景點。 It was built in 1932 by a japanese merchant,and was the largest department store in the past. The interior structure remains the same as before,so it'll seem like taking a time travel when you visit!
191 Einheimische empfehlen
Hayashi Department Store
63號 Section 2, Zhongyi Rd
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1932年由日本商人林方一所建立,在當時是南台灣規模最大的百貨公司。歷經長時間閒置,在1998年被列入市定古蹟,於2010年開始整修至2013年完成,由台南市文化局委外經營,林百貨終於在2014年以「文創百貨」的型態重新出發,再次成為台南的著名景點。 It was built in 1932 by a japanese merchant,and was the largest department store in the past. The interior structure remains the same as before,so it'll seem like taking a time travel when you visit!

Arts & Culture

是我國第一座國家級的文學博物館,除蒐藏、保存、研究的功能外,更將透過展覽、活動、推廣教育等方式,使文學親近民眾,帶動文化發展。本館另設有文學圖書閱覽區、兒童文學書房等空間,提供多元化服務。建築物本身,是日籍建築師森山松之助的作品,仿英國維多利亞時期的紅磚,加上歐陸風格的石材建築,整棟建築物充分揉合了歐日的典雅風格。古典的建築設計,更是許多新人拍婚紗取景的地點,而假日也有全家扶老攜幼一起參觀館內展覽,認識台灣文學,更可以找個下午到裡面的咖啡廳悠閒的看看書、發發呆,靜謐的空間,讓煩躁的心沉靜,而文化的氣息,更可以放鬆平常忙碌的神經。 This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.
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National Museum of Taiwan Literature
1號 Zhongzheng Rd
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是我國第一座國家級的文學博物館,除蒐藏、保存、研究的功能外,更將透過展覽、活動、推廣教育等方式,使文學親近民眾,帶動文化發展。本館另設有文學圖書閱覽區、兒童文學書房等空間,提供多元化服務。建築物本身,是日籍建築師森山松之助的作品,仿英國維多利亞時期的紅磚,加上歐陸風格的石材建築,整棟建築物充分揉合了歐日的典雅風格。古典的建築設計,更是許多新人拍婚紗取景的地點,而假日也有全家扶老攜幼一起參觀館內展覽,認識台灣文學,更可以找個下午到裡面的咖啡廳悠閒的看看書、發發呆,靜謐的空間,讓煩躁的心沉靜,而文化的氣息,更可以放鬆平常忙碌的神經。 This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.
座落臺南都會公園內,館區約10公頃,擁有經典西洋藝術、樂器、兵器與動物標本等豐富館藏,並常舉辦特展、教育及藝文活動,提供「文明之奇與藝術之美」有七個展聽,廣場的阿波羅噴水池是仿法國凡爾賽宮噴水池1:1打造而成。館藏有多名畫與雕刻的真跡,如果想細看一天絕對是看不完的。 This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.
81 Einheimische empfehlen
Chimei Museum
66號 Section 2, Wenhua Rd
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座落臺南都會公園內,館區約10公頃,擁有經典西洋藝術、樂器、兵器與動物標本等豐富館藏,並常舉辦特展、教育及藝文活動,提供「文明之奇與藝術之美」有七個展聽,廣場的阿波羅噴水池是仿法國凡爾賽宮噴水池1:1打造而成。館藏有多名畫與雕刻的真跡,如果想細看一天絕對是看不完的。 This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.


是臺南市最大的購物中心,串連永康、國賓影城等商圈。除了購物中心,還有酒店與南紡總部也將進駐在同一棟建築裡;亦規劃餐飲、娛樂、電影與健身俱樂部。 Biggest shopping mall in Tainan,besides shopping center,they also have hotel ,bar ,restaurant,theater, gym etc.
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T.S. Mall station
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是臺南市最大的購物中心,串連永康、國賓影城等商圈。除了購物中心,還有酒店與南紡總部也將進駐在同一棟建築裡;亦規劃餐飲、娛樂、電影與健身俱樂部。 Biggest shopping mall in Tainan,besides shopping center,they also have hotel ,bar ,restaurant,theater, gym etc.


可在此購得日常用品 You could buy your daily necessities here
25 Einheimische empfehlen
POYA 寶雅 台南東寧店
229號 Dongning Rd
25 Einheimische empfehlen
可在此購得日常用品 You could buy your daily necessities here
您可在此購得生鮮 零食 水果 等 You could buy fresh food,snacks and fruit
58 Einheimische empfehlen
619號 Huaping Rd
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您可在此購得生鮮 零食 水果 等 You could buy fresh food,snacks and fruit